
Rabu, 03 Februari 2016

Wagathas Organic Vermont Made Dog Biscuits

Weve got a new client were working with, Wagathas Vermont Baked Organic Dog Biscuits, extraordinary biscuits for dogs. ... I toured the factory in Manchester earlier this week and learned that they make and ship approximately 100,000 food grade dog biscuits a day. Dogs love em. Right here in town .... Who knew? ... Anychoice, after they saw our display racks that we made for Vew-Do Balance Boards, they contacted us to develop new racks for their dog biscuits. We built the prototype for their bags last week and yesterday Trevor did some work on the first prototype for the bulk display ... We need to work the graphics in still, but retail display work seems to be presenting an interesting new field of possibilities for us.
Arm waving to develop a concept for the bulk rack
Jim, presenting the first prototype ... weve still got some work to do but the concept seems viable ... More later ....

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