
Selasa, 15 Maret 2016

Apparently Jets Doesnt Just Mean Multiple Nice Power Tools

This week youll have to excuse me for not continuing with my final Village Carpenter Shop Tour Post. I promise Ill get back to Karis wonderful shop next week.
Now, I find myself at a NY Jets game and far from my notes and laptop. I figure Id pass the time tonight with a quick phone based post about my productive weekend.
I found myself with some free time on Sunday and made headchoice with the wings and center section of my Sawdust Chronicles 2010 Build Challenge project. I did go through 2 center sections (1 warped & I referenced my dominos off the wrong face of another) and need to mill a 3rd, but the wings are cut & assembled. Hopefully Ill mill my 3rd center section & start my tiling during the week. Check my twitter feed for ongoing updates, as Ill certainly tweet any shop time I manage.
In the mean time, check out my TSDC 2010 Build Challenge Picasa folder with the link at the bottom of this post. Ill continue to update it too as work progresses (if the link doesnt post properly from the phone, you can alchoices click on my Picasa link on the upper right and choose the Build Challenge folder).
What did you accomplish last weekend? 2010 Build Challenge

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