
Minggu, 06 Maret 2016

Niks Most Important Tool

Some of you may realize that Im a bench junkie (thanks, Schwarz). To any of you who share the obsession, heres a post from Nik Brown you have to check out.
The bench when Nik began.
For those us you not familiar with Nik, hes a great woodworker who I was lucky enough to hang out with at Woodworking in America. In this post, he recounts the refurbishment of the bench that came with his new house.  He turns it from a cool relic into a fantastically useful modern bench. Well done, Nik.
Now these photos are just a teaser of Niks great work, so go check him out. Nik Brown: The Most Important Tool In Any Shop.
All photos taken and owned by Nik Brown

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The awesome finished bench.