
Kamis, 30 Juni 2016

first fall open studio

this weekend is the first vermont fall open studio weekend .. saturday and sunday, october 1st and 2nd, 10-5 ... there are a few fewer participants than in the typical spring event, but there are still plenty of things to see. just in our area, bennington to west pawlet, there are 19 artistss studios you can visit as well as some incredibly beautiful vermont foliage. the peak viewing according to the foliage experts usually happens around now or a little later, and take my word for it, it looks pretty good and will be even better in a couple of days. stop by if youre in the neighborhood. look for the yellow signs and then pick up a map with a driving tour at the first studio you stop at ... for more background, heres a link from the spring event with more pictures and info .... the usual suspects will be here: kit will be showing her handmade jewelry, penny viscusi will have her local pastel landscapes, banjos by will, metalwork by sam, and ive got a ton of projects completed and in the works in the woodshop ... click the photos to enlarge them ...
in the shop now ...
an expanding cherry table with a curly maple and ebony inlay
a sideboard to go with it
a steel and black round expanding table
a recent fish in montana belt buckle by sam ...
iand will is making a new neck for a circa 1900 banjo using the original inlay design that he found in a picture on the internet ...
and these projects are waiting to be shipped ... a fumed, quartered, eucalyptus table base
a 17 elm slab table
and a 10 footer too ...

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