
Jumat, 01 Juli 2016

Lets All Play in New Jersey

This weekend (February 25 - 27) the Woodworking Shows will be coming to Somerset, NJ. As the closest show to my home on sunny Long Island, I make it a point to attend every year. Though I cant say its alchoices been the best of shows, it promises to be good this year (check out the floor plan).
While I believe the show is under new ownership (I could well be wrong on this point), its the people that Im really looking forward to. Ive been tweeting a bit lately with Andy Chidwick and Im really looking forward to meeting him. A woodworker we all know (who shall remain nameless) has been goading me to bust Chuck Benders chops on his behalf (in a playful manner, of course). Roland Johnson of Fine Woodworking will be there too. And of course, Alan Z., Wilbur Pan and TomP (and hopefully others) of the Wood Talk Online community will be there. Thats really only naming a few of the many who will be making this a great event.
Ye old QR code.
I think Ill be there on Friday, with intentions to get back to Long Island before evening rush hour. Ill be wandering around with my standard Penultimate Woodshop t-shirt with the giant QR code on the back. Please say hi if youre there and have a good time at the Woodworking Shows. Also, stop by the Woodpecker booth. They dont endorse me, but do they ever make sweet layout and measuring tools. There booth is where Ill probably be dropping the most cash.
What vendor cant you stay achoice from?
p.s. - Ive managed to score some tickets to the show. Please let me know in the comments if youd like one and Ill do my best to share them.

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