
Sabtu, 23 Juli 2016

Notes from the Chidwick Lecture

While I was attending The Woodworking Shows in Somerset, NJ on February 25, I was Tweeting about attending lectures by Andy Chidwick of The Chidwick School for Fine Woodworking. On of my fellow Twitterers (I wish I remembered who, I would give credit) asked if he could borrow my notes.
Well, Im not the best of note takers, but here are my notes from Andys lecture: "The Artisan Way."
  • Failure -> Experience -> Confidence -> Success
  • Book matching doesnt work with curved, 3D work. Instead, use pattern matching
  • Use a window to match the grain pattern, then flip the window and do the other piece.
  • Use extruded polystyrene (XPS) insulation as a modeling tool
  • Andy is a very motivational guy
Andy and me in Somerset.
Thats the extent of my notes, so if you want more, youll have to go see Andy in Montana.
My actual notes.
Andy shows off a beautiful bar stool.
Would you trek across the country to attend a woodworking class?

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